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Nishijin Textile Art

Kimono and Obi are traditional Japanese garments. The skills needed to make such items have been passed down for generations. Nishijin textiles originated in silk production and weaving, which began around the 5th or 6th century and was developed and refined into a traditional technique that’s the pride of Japan. The beauty of Japanese traditional style, rooted in its climate and unique sensibility, was born in the capital of Kyoto during the Heian period (794-1185). This unique aesthetic sense, which is based on a love of nature and delicacy, originated at the Imperial Court and has been refined through various influences, including Buddhist culture, the warrior class and townspeople. And the techniques and the methods used to this day remain true to the spirit of traditional handicrafts. You can feel the essence of Japanese master artisans or takumi, through their elegant creations. While we see the potential to create new value through their work, there are fewer and fewer artisans, and it is increasingly difficult to pass on the necessary skills due to the lack of successors that many traditional industries are facing.


古都京都で1000年以上もの歴史を紡いできた西陣織。5世紀に遡る絹織物の技術を基に、平安貴族の繊細な美意識を融合し、日本の誇る伝統工芸へと昇華しました。仏教、武士道、町人文化・・・時代の変遷と共に西陣織は進化を続け、自然への畏敬の念と匠の魂を込めて、唯一無二の美を創造してきました。 しかし、現代においては後継者不足という課題に直面しています。
